Installing art in Adelaide for UAP

Came to install art, noticed a few other things.

This is my first attempt to publish audio onto my own site via my iPhone. I’ve recorded the audio in Voice Recorder 7 which has everything I need to tweak the audio and upload via FTP to my site. From there I’m using the Blubrry PowerPress feature to publish here. As I write this I’m still working things out but if you read and listen to this then it’s worked.

The piece I needed to install consisted of a light box reflecting an image onto a shallow tray of water  all presented in a dark room. It’s to express to right of passage of youth. Below is an image which doesn’t do it justice.

Tamara James piece of a man jumping into water.


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This is the piece by Lindy Lee I mentioned in the audio

1 thought on “Installing art in Adelaide for UAP

I'm sure you've got some ideas about this? Eh?